Tell me about amazing Zinc!

Zinc is both a powerful antioxidant and an anti-inflammatory which is vital for both egg and sperm health.

What does it actually do?

❤️ Basic building block for new cells necessary for all that rapid growth that happens when making a baby!

🌟 Essential nutrient for sperm production and protects the sperm against cell damage AND works with folate for DNA synthesis 😱

❤️ Helps eggs reach full maturity. Research shows eggs have a 50% increased need for zinc to ‘flip the switch’ to reach full maturity before fertilisation can even happen 😯

🌟 Supports implantation

❤️ Keeps your immune system healthy, important in both fertility and pregnancy

A study of 1060 Australian women found that those who had lower zinc levels took longer to conceive.

So who is especially at risk of zinc deficiency?

  • People who follow a vegetarian or vegan diet. The theory is that plant based sources of zinc have a decreased absorption versus animal based sources and as a result vegetarians & vegans zinc requirements may be up to 50% higher!

  • People who have a Gastrointestinal disorder such as Crohn’s disease (it’s that reduced absorption again!)

  • People you have an Auto-immune disease

  • People who have had weight loss surgery

Rich sources of zinc include:

  • red meat including beef and lamb

  • pork

  • chickpeas and lentils

  • hemp seeds

  • nuts

  • eggs

  • oats

  • and dark chocolate (yep!)

So my question to you is: do you think you are having enough zinc?

Blood tests for zinc can be unreliable so only a comprehensive nutritional assessment can give you an insight into if you are meeting your zinc targets.

Get in touch if you would like to discuss how you can increase your zinc intake.


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